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Sphinx cat - what is her character
The most unusual breed of cats can definitely be called the Sphynx breed - a cat without a coat....
Maine Coon hair care Maine Coon care and maintenance
The law of the jungle says that the fittest survive. And, if an ordinary domestic mongrel cat suddenly ...
Is it worth getting a kitten?
Hi all! I hesitated for so long, thinking whether I should write about my cats. How would you recommend...
The girl began to put the kitten to sleep here for you
The girl began to feed the kitten. She brought oatmeal - He turned away from the cup. She brought him radishes ...
The kitten has a nosebleed If the cat has a nosebleed
The appearance of blood from the nose of a cat usually leads the owner to a stupor, because it is immediately difficult to figure out why this is ...
Purulent otitis media in cats: classification, causes, symptoms, treatment
For certain reasons, domestic cats may develop an inflammatory process in the hearing organs. This...
The coolest nicknames for cats
What cat names can you name? Many owners, especially among the older generation, choose ...
How and with what to clean the ears of a kitten Clean the ears of a cat
The ears of a cat can rightly be called its strongest and at the same time its weakest point. It's well known...
How to clean the ears of a kitten at home How to clean the ears of a cat and how
Ears are the most important organ for cats: they are responsible for orientation in space and a sense of balance.O...
Proper raising a cat: tips and advice from experts Raising a kitten 3 months
Kitten education should be dealt with from the very first day of his stay in the house. However, action must be taken...
How to feed a kitten to raise a healthy pet?
Instructions Bringing the baby home, do not be alarmed if he does not eat anything. At first, feed him with puree soups ...
The cat has tachycardia The kitten has a strong heartbeat
Based on materials from the site Heart failure is not an independent ...
Causes of an unpleasant smell from a cat and its sources The kitten smells under the tail
When caring for their furry pet, owners often notice an unpleasant smell. Reasons why a cat...
What to feed a kitten: useful tips How to feed kittens for 7 days
What to feed a kitten? It seemed like a simple question. Meat, milk, leftover soup and fried fish from...
How to name a cat, cat, kitten
On this page of the site you can find names (nicknames) for your cats, cats and kittens boys and girls on...
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