Eye peptides. Vision Restoration Peptides Drugs and Applications

Professor Khavinson is a military doctor who first began to study peptides, for the eyes he used these substances as a protection for soldiers from injury and retinal burns.

Studying peptides, the professor discovered that they not only help restore the retina after burns, but also have a positive effect on restoring the functionality of vision. With this discovery, a huge work began on the introduction of these substances into medical practice, this work has not been completed to this day, and scientists continue to study the effect of peptides on human vision.

There are a lot of eye diseases, and all of them, without proper treatment, lead to serious complications. Some eye diseases are accompanied by inflammatory processes, as a result of which the retina is damaged and the functionality of the pupil deteriorates.

The most common symptoms of eye diseases

Although there are hundreds of eye diseases in ophthalmology, most patients with different eye diseases suffer from the same symptoms, the most common of which are listed below:

  • purulent discharge from the eyes;
  • redness;
  • blurred vision;
  • high blood pressure (eye);
  • "flies" before the eyes;
  • feeling of a foreign object in the eyes;
  • puffiness;
  • lacrimation;
  • fear of bright light.

Retinal diseases

The thickness of the retina is less than a millimeter, its function is to form an accurate picture that is transmitted to the brain. When various diseases of the retina develop, a person's vision decreases, but, of course, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on this symptom alone.

An inflammatory process in the retina is called retinitis. Its causes may be allergies, infections, problems in the endocrine system, trauma, exposure to rays of the eye, metabolic disorders. Signs of retinitis are clouding in the fundus, retinal edema, decreased vision, and hemorrhages.

If a retinal tear occurs, then it is said that the retina has detached. The reason for this phenomenon may be excessive tension on the part of the vitreous body. A person complains of a veil before his eyes, a deterioration in visual acuity, “lightning” and a floating picture.

Retinopathy most often occurs in old age, the causes may be diabetes, trauma, myopia, retinal detachment. The patient has a doubling of the picture and other distortions of perception.

When blood vessels are damaged, retinal angiopathy develops. In this case, the patient may experience nosebleeds, blurred vision, myopia.

Corneal diseases

The inflammatory process of the cornea is called keratitis. The cause of its development are infections, injuries, herpes infection, abuse of certain psychotropic drugs. In gases, a painful sensation appears, the cornea becomes cloudy, an expression may occur.

If the inner layer of the cornea is damaged, then dystrophic processes occur. This is a hereditary disease in which perception is distorted, visual acuity decreases, and a burning sensation appears.

Another hereditary disease is megalocornea - the diameter of the cornea is larger than normal. This disease is diagnosed both at birth and in adulthood. There are no negative symptoms.

Other diseases

Glaucoma is an ailment in which eye pressure rises significantly, which leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the retina, and its cells can die irreversibly, and this causes complete blindness.

Macular degeneration is a disease that occurs in old age. In this case, the most sensitive and vulnerable part of the retina is affected - the yellow spot. If the cells of the macula die, then the person loses the ability to clearly see objects.

A cataract is a clouding of the lens. At its core, the lens is a transparent lens, and if spots appear on it, then light cannot reach the retina and vision is lost.

Peptides - what is it

Peptides are the smallest elements of a protein molecule. They include a couple of amino acids, but there are also peptides that consist of dozens of amino acids - they are called oligopeptides. If the number of amino acids is 50 or more, a protein molecule is formed.

Treatment of eye diseases with peptide drugs is considered the safest and most effective. All peptide-based drugs work according to the same scheme - they normalize the work of cellular DNA by embedding it into it. Thus, the metabolic processes in the cell are restored, which entails the regeneration of organelles, increased energy production, as well as an increase in resistance to various adverse factors.

As mentioned above, peptides consist of amino acid residues, and in all living organisms they have an identical structure. As for peptides for eye injections, calves are their donors. It is the peptides of a young calf that are best suited in composition to human tissues. I must say that the safety of the use of peptides has been proven, in addition, the absence of an allergic reaction to them has been proven.

The mechanism of the effect of peptides on the human body has been well studied to date, it has already been proven that peptides are the main regulators of cell life. In addition, researchers are confident that a variety of health problems depend on the synthesis of peptides. In their competence:

  • stimulation of the synthesis of hormones that are responsible for metabolic processes;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • speed of wound healing;
  • condition of the skin;
  • cholesterol production;
  • strength of bones and ligaments;
  • regeneration processes;
  • antioxidant protection;
  • regulation of metabolism;
  • effect on sleep.

Today, peptides are also used in aesthetic cosmetology. They are added to creams, serums are produced on their basis, and so on. Since this article is about the eyes, it cannot be said that peptides are actively used in cosmetics designed to care for the eyelids. For example, eye creams, or even all kinds of injections that allow you to keep the skin of the eyelids youthful.

Preparations for the treatment of eye diseases based on peptides:

  1. Vesugen. This drug has a great effect on the vessels of the eye. For the retina to work properly, it needs a lot of energy, so it is very important that the blood circulation in it is good, only if there is a good supply of fiber, vision will not decrease. If the blood circulation in the retina is poor, and the vessels break easily, then this can lead to atrophic processes, and further loss of vision. Vesugen improves blood circulation, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, and also normalizes the lipid composition of the blood.
  2. Visoluten. The peptides of this drug are embedded in the conjunctiva and improve its functionality (protection), and also help retain moisture, resulting in dryness and redness of the eyes eliminated. Visoluten peptides restore metabolic processes at the cellular level in the lens, help to maintain its transparency.
  3. Ventfort normalizes metabolic processes in the vessels, and also prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots. The drug copes with the pathological processes that occur in the vessels with age.
  4. Pinelon. This drug supports the work of nerve cells, has a positive effect on the conduction of an impulse signal to the brain, so it is often prescribed after eye injuries, surgical interventions and inflammatory processes.
  5. Cerluten also has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and normalizes metabolic processes in nerve cells.

Prevention of eye diseases

The human eye is an extremely sensitive organ, and in order for it to work properly, it needs to be properly protected.

Preparations containing peptides for the eyes are capable of preventing diseases of the organs of vision, eliminating discomfort, and stopping the existing pathology. Getting from the outside, they, like a protein building material, restore damaged cells at the molecular level, improve the functioning of the whole organism. The smaller the peptide, the higher its permeability and selective action.

The uniqueness of peptides is that they penetrate only into the organ from which they are synthesized.

Why are they needed and how do they work?

Peptides are small chains of amino acids present in any living organism. Diseases, injuries, age-related changes reduce the production of protein molecules responsible for regeneration. This leads to disruption of life processes. The organs of vision are especially affected. The intake of peptides with food is too small to restore lost functions. There is a need for an additional source. Medicines developed by Professor Khavinson, based on eye peptides, are able to stop irreversible changes, maintain and improve vision. These substances make the cell work properly, and the body begins to heal itself.

Preparations and application

Peptides do not have an accumulative property.

Peptides do not accumulate in the body. They only replace non-functioning amino acids. The excess is excreted by the excretory system. The safety of their use has been proven by multiple studies. The exception is individual intolerance. Numerous drugs are recommended for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the organs of vision.


Capsules, which include the natural complex AA-11. The drug normalizes metabolic processes in tissues. It is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the retina, optic nerve atrophy. The course of therapy is 2 capsules on an empty stomach in the morning for 30 days.

"Pinalex" - eye drops

Contain complexes AA-3,6.7, hyaluronic, succinic acid, panthenol. This peptide drug has a high regenerative ability, restores eye function after surgery, and improves vascular permeability. Dry eye syndrome, dystrophic changes in the retina, glaucoma are indications for the use of Pinalex. It is recommended to apply the medicine for 20-30 days 2 times a day (in the morning and at night) up to 6 drops on the eyelids, rubbing with light patting movements. Six months later, a second course is carried out.

Revilab ML 03

The medicine can be taken if a person has problems with the retina.

Anti-aging multifunctional drug, which includes retinal peptide, B vitamins, Omega-3, marigold extract. Capsules are suitable for the prevention and treatment of retinal diseases, restoration of light sensitivity. Adults are prescribed 1 capsule for 45 days. Repeated appointments throughout the year are possible.

release form: 10 ml

Peptide bioregulator designed to stimulate the regenerative processes of eye tissues in diseases and injuries of the retina and cornea.

The peptides in the Pinalex balm, isolated from the thymus, vascular wall and retina, regulate the function of the immune and vascular systems and improve metabolism in the tissues of the eye, thus starting the process of recovery (regeneration) at the cellular level. With retinal vein thrombosis, atherosclerotic and diabetic angiopathy, Pinalex improves vascular permeability, pigment epithelium metabolism and cellular respiration, accelerates the restoration of retinal light sensitivity, increases its resistance to hypoxia and ischemia.

The drug has no contraindications for use due to peptides synthesized from natural amino acids and other hypoallergenic components that have softening, moisturizing and regenerating effects. It can be used as a means of preventing eye diseases in order to improve the functional state of the organs of vision.

purified water, panthenol, disubstituted sodium phosphate, monosubstituted potassium phosphate, hyaluronic acid, AA-6 peptide complex, AA-3 peptide complex, AA-7 peptide complex, potassium sorbate, succinic acid.

Mode of application:
Use morning and evening to treat the skin around the eyes. Apply a small amount (3 - 6 drops) of the balm and spread with light patting movements over the upper and lower eyelids. Let the balm soak in.

Eye balm with peptides "Pinalex"

The modern way of life, which forces people of all ages to spend most of their time at the computer, regardless of their profession, whether it be a doctor, architect or journalist, negatively affects the state of the body subject to constant stress, in particular, the visual apparatus.

Along with increased stress, retinal diseases also have a detrimental effect, leading to impaired vision, discomfort in the eye area, and even, in the case of an active degenerative process, to complete blindness without the possibility of restoring lost vision. Age-related changes that occur in the body, regardless of lifestyle and health status, lead to aging at the cellular level, i.e. wear and tear of almost all organs and systems. The eyes in this case, as one of the most sensitive instruments of our body, need additional external support that can stop pathological mechanisms, restore damaged cells and, of course, have a preventive effect.

Such a drug, or rather, the only peptide bioregulator that stimulates regenerative processes in eye tissues in diseases and injuries of the retina and cornea, has recently appeared in the product line of the NPCRIZ company.

The novelty is called "Pinalex" and is available in the form of a balm for the orbital region. The active components of the balm penetrate into the system of blood vessels, and then into the tissues of the eye, starting the regeneration process. An important factor in the manufacture of the drug, ensuring safety and efficacy, is the observance of sterility at all stages of production. The manufacturer of Pinalex balsam is a long-established partner of the NPCRIZ company in production - the Chemical and Biological Association at the Russian Academy of Sciences Firma Vita, which has long proven itself only from the best side. Cooperation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the system of international standards ISO and GMP, which, of course, cannot but inspire confidence among our even the most demanding customers. Thanks to the sterile production site that meets all the requirements for pharmaceuticals, and the exclusive author's composition, Pinalex can be applied to the mucous membrane of the conjunctival space.

The peptides in the Pinalex balm, isolated from the thymus, vascular wall and retina, regulate the function of the immune and vascular systems and improve metabolism in the tissues of the eye, thus starting the process of recovery (regeneration) at the cellular level. With retinal vein thrombosis, atherosclerotic and diabetic angiopathy, Pinalex improves vascular permeability, pigment epithelium metabolism and cellular respiration, accelerates the restoration of retinal light sensitivity, increases its resistance to hypoxia and ischemia. People with relatively good stable vision can use the drug as a means of preventing eye diseases in order to improve their functional state.

The balm has no contraindications for use, having in its composition peptides synthesized from natural amino acids and other hypoallergenic components that have softening, moisturizing and regenerating effects. Conducted clinical studies have proven the high efficiency of the synthesized peptide fractions, their quality and productivity are not inferior to natural ones. The speed of action, which affects the state of cells of organs and systems, is much higher for such peptides, due to which a positive effect occurs almost immediately.

Scientific research on the development of the balm was carried out for three years. Constant observations, improvements based on the results of preliminary tests conducted to improve the quality and effectiveness of the drug, made it possible to create an innovative complex peptide drug that has no analogues in any country in the world. The unique author's basis of the drug is a combination of peptides (thymus, retina and vascular wall), panthenol, hyaluronic and succinic acids. No one doubts the benefits of the above components, and as a result of our work, it increases many times due to the competent connection in certain dosages.

When creating the pinalex balm, the employees of the research and production department of the NPCRIZ used the most advanced experience of the leading ophthalmological centers of St. Petersburg and Russia, so the balm contains only the most useful elements for the eyes, including non-peptide ones. Hyaluronic acid, for example, embedding into tissue cells, begins to participate in the process of their recovery, because. itself is part of the human body. For people using contact lenses, this natural moisturizer is especially relevant for its ability to stay on the surface of the eyes for a long time and provide lasting protection from drying out.

Succinic acid has a non-specific therapeutic effect in a number of diseases of various etiologies. It has antiviral and antihypoxic effect. Laboratory studies have proven the ability of living cells to absorb oxygen more intensively during the period of application of succinic acid. Even weakened by negative environmental factors, the body increases its resources due to the intake of succinic acid: energy metabolism is restored, the process of production of new cells is normalized, symptoms caused by stressful situations are alleviated.

Panthenol (provitamin B5) contributes to the active restoration of damaged tissues, restores cellular metabolism, while having a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. When exposed directly to the conjunctiva of the eye, it promotes the process of regeneration of corneal tissues during erosion and inflammation. It is successfully used by patients with eye burns of varying severity.

The eyes are an amazing, priceless and at the same time the most vulnerable tool that plays an important role in a person's perception of this world, building a career and relationships with the surrounding reality. The loss of the ability to see, and therefore feel, cognize reality, makes it impossible to build your future in accordance with your goals and plans, dreams and aspirations. Maintaining eye health is the key to a successful life and a good mood.

Take care of them today with Pinalex balm.

Main Components/ Panthenol
Panthenol- a universal substance present in all living organisms, promotes active regeneration of damaged tissues, restores cellular metabolism, while having a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. When exposed directly to the conjunctiva of the eye, it promotes the process of regeneration of corneal tissues during erosion and inflammation. It is successfully used by patients with eye burns of varying severity. Numerous studies have confirmed the data on a significant change in the direction of improving the clinical course of the post-burn period. In glaucoma, which in almost all cases causes keratopathy - a pathology of the cornea, panthenol contributes to the formation of less intense corneal opacities.

Main Components/ Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid
Hyaluronic acid, integrating into tissue cells, begins to participate in the process of their recovery, because itself is part of the human body. For people using contact lenses, this natural moisturizer is especially relevant for its ability to stay on the surface of the eyes for a long time and provide lasting protection from drying out. The healing properties of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid have been appreciated by many manufacturers of healing and anti-inflammatory drugs. The substance also showed excellent results in the field of ophthalmology, well moisturizing the surface of the cornea and accelerating the healing process of damaged tissues.

Main Components/ succinic acid
Article: 7010155
succinic acid is a product obtained as a result of processing natural amber, which is an absolutely harmless substance with a lot of useful properties. It is present in every cell of the tissues of the human body, contributes to the production of energy and has a non-specific therapeutic effect in the sight of a number of diseases of various etiologies. It has an antiviral and antihypoxic effect. Laboratory studies have proven the ability of living cells to absorb oxygen more intensively during the use of succinic acid. Even weakened by negative environmental factors, the body increases its resources due to the intake of succinic acid: energy metabolism is restored, the process of production of new cells is normalized, symptoms caused by stressful situations are alleviated.

Main Components/ retinal peptide
Retinal peptide, AA-6 peptide complex. It has a stimulating effect on photoreceptors and cellular elements of the retina, improves the functional interaction between the pigment epithelium and the outer segments of photoreceptors in dystrophic and degenerative processes, and accelerates the restoration of light sensitivity of the retina. Normalizes vascular permeability and reduces the manifestation of a local inflammatory reaction.

Main Components/ Vascular wall peptide
Vascular wall peptide, AA-7 peptide complex. Regulates metabolic processes in the vascular wall. Promotes an increase in the elasticity of the vessels of the arterial, venous and lymphatic channels. Reduces the risk of damage to the vascular wall, hemorrhage and thrombosis. Improves blood supply to organs and tissues.

Main Components/ Spleen peptide
Spleen peptide, AA-3 peptide complex. Influences the reaction of cellular, humoral immunity and non-specific resistance of the organism. Stimulates the processes of regeneration of eye tissues in case of their oppression, improves the course of cellular metabolism processes, accelerates wound healing, activates the functions of immune cells, has antioxidant and anti-stress properties.

Certificates and licenses

- military doctor, professor, founder of the doctrine of peptides. He began his unique developments back in the Soviet Union, while working on means to protect soldiers from laser damage to the retina.

His research gave an unexpected result: he found that a peptide preparation from the eyeballs of young calves not only accelerates the healing of retinal burns, but also contributes to restoration of visual function. Thus began a huge work on the study of peptides and their introduction into practical medicine, which continues successfully to this day.

Interview of Professor Vladimir Khavinson to the newspaper "Life"

- I did all my medicines primarily for the sake of my mother and for her. More than 30 years ago, my mother Anna Yakovlevna was diagnosed with diabetes. Since this all started. Her visual acuity sharply decreased, she, in fact, went blind - this often happens with diabetes.

- And then I created the first drug for her - from peptides isolated from the retina of the eyes of calves. And her vision was restored. Mom also took our other drugs that normalize the state of body systems. On December 5, we celebrated the anniversary - she turned 90 years old. She lives in America and still leads an active, eventful life - she still looks after the garden herself, she loves to do flowers, she rode a bicycle to the last. She still does not even dye her hair - she has no gray hair at all.

“When we started working, the world was developing a combat laser that burned out the retina,” recalls retired colonel of the medical service, Professor Vladimir Khavinson. - Our task was to create a medicine that protects a person from the effects of a combat laser. We have isolated special substances - peptides - from the retina of calves.

— For the experiments, we needed 100,000 calf eyes, and we immediately received them from the Kirov Leningrad Meat Processing Plant. We first tested the resulting drug on rabbits, then conducted clinical trials on humans. It turned out that our medicine - the only one in the world - reduces the destructive effect of the laser on the retina, and then restores it.

- Such a drug is still not available anywhere - neither in the USA nor in Europe. The drug has become a super achievement in Russia - it is the only one that treats retinal diseases without surgery, not only stopping the process of vision loss, but also restoring it in two weeks.


The head of the largest Turkish company Bosforgaz, Mr. Ali Shen, traveled all over the world, trying to save his son Adnen from blindness due to damage to the retina, Professor Svetlana Trofimova, deputy director, told Zhizn. - And when the son began to see after the course of our treatment with the drug, his 70-year-old oligarch father cried with happiness ...

Following the first drug from the retina of the eyes, others followed - from the liver, pancreas, from the heart, bladder of calves, from the testes of cattle. It turned out that each of the drugs restored the normal activity of the corresponding organ or system in humans. But the fact that Khavinson's drugs prolong life and restore youth, they learned by accident!

Major eye diseases

Glaucoma is a disease associated with an increase in intraocular pressure. The eyeball is a hollow ball filled with a jelly-like substance (vitreous body) and liquid. The back wall of the cavity is lined with the retina - the receptor apparatus of the eye, which perceives visual information and transmits it to the brain. Excessive intraocular pressure leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of the retina, the death of its cells and a decrease in vision up to complete blindness.

Angiopathy(retinopathy) is a collective concept that includes a violation of the blood supply to the retina due to changes in the nervous regulation of blood vessels. Pathology accompanies many somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, hypertension) and age-related changes in the body. Lack of nutrients leads to the gradual death of retinal receptor cells, narrowing of the visual fields and blindness.

Macular degeneration- age-related damage to the most sensitive part of the retina - the macula. It is this zone that is responsible for the sharpness of central vision, therefore, when its cells die, a person loses the ability to clearly see objects. The progression of macular degeneration leads to a significant decrease in visual acuity.

Cataract- clouding of the lens of the eye. It is a small transparent lens and serves to accommodate vision, simply - allows you to focus on the selected object. The lens is located just behind the pupil, so the loss of transparency leads to clouding of the field of view and the appearance of spots of various sizes on it. Through an opaque lens, light does not reach the retina and the person loses sight.

How to cure eyes with peptides?


Many years of experience and repeated clinical studies have shown that eye treatment with peptides is an effective and safe way to preserve vision. The action of all peptide preparations is essentially the same: they are integrated into cellular DNA and normalize its work, which leads to the restoration of cell metabolism. Thanks to them, the regeneration of cellular organelles occurs, the process of energy production is optimized, and resistance to the damaging effects of oxidative radicals increases.

The peptides of all living beings have the same structure and are built from a small number of amino acid residues. Khavinson peptides are obtained from the organs of young calves, however, they are ideally suited in their composition and action to human tissues. Their action on cells is absolutely natural and safe, they do not cause adverse reactions and allergies.

  • – peptides isolated from various structures of the eyeballs of young calves. Embedding in the mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva - they improve its protective function, increase the ability to retain water, thereby eliminating dryness and redness of the eyes. Under the action of peptides, the ciliary muscle of the pupil relaxes, the outflow of fluid improves and intraocular pressure decreases. They restore the metabolism in the cells of the lens, thanks to which the latter retain their transparency and ensure normal accommodation of the eye. By regulating the metabolism of retinal receptor cells, peptides restore or improve visual acuity and color perception. Fields of lateral vision expand, visibility in the dark improves.
  • - an amino acid drug that has a beneficial effect on the state of the vascular wall. The normal functioning of the retina requires a lot of energy, so adequate blood supply is one of the most important conditions for good vision. Vascular disorders lead to atrophy of the receptor apparatus of the eye with subsequent loss of vision. The fragility of blood vessels and their increased permeability cause the appearance of numerous hemorrhages in the thickness of the retina, which has a detrimental effect on its cells. Vesugen effectively copes with the described disorders, since its composition has a beneficial effect on all layers of the vascular wall. As a result of taking the drug, the lipid composition of the blood is normalized, due to which the development of systemic atherosclerosis stops - it is one of the main causes of angiopathy in aged patients. Vesugen's amino acids increase the synthetic activity of cells of all layers of the vascular wall, normalizing its permeability and increasing its elasticity. Restoration of retinal blood flow stops the development of angiopathy and improves visual acuity.
  • - an amino acid preparation to maintain the active work of nerve cells. The function of the visual analyzer does not make sense without processing the received signal in the cerebral cortex: it is in it that the image that we see is formed. Pinealon has a beneficial effect on the conduction of a nerve impulse along the optic nerve, contributes to its recovery after injuries, operations, and inflammatory diseases. The complex of amino acids contained in the preparation normalizes the metabolism of nerve cells, thereby improving the functioning of the entire human cerebral cortex and the visual center in particular.
  • - a peptide preparation obtained from the vessels of young calves. It normalizes the metabolism in the cells of the vascular wall, prevents the formation of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques in its thickness. Ventfort effectively fights age-related changes, fragility and increased vascular permeability.
  • - a peptide preparation obtained from the brain cells of young calves. The drug regulates the activity of the central nervous system, normalizes the function of the visual zone and the transmission of electrical impulses along the visual tract.

vision improvement program

Specialists of NPCRIZ developed a health program for effective restoration and maintenance of visual function. Its essence lies in the combination of peptide preparations and physiotherapy, due to which it is possible to achieve deep penetration of peptides into all structures of the eye. Therapeutic procedures are carried out after a thorough examination by an ophthalmologist and under his supervision.

Program duration: 3 days

1 day

  • ophthalmologist examination

2 day

  • electrophoresis with a complex of peptide bioregulators, restoring metabolic processes in the structures of the eyeball
  • transdermal electroporation with a complex of peptide bioregulators that improves retinal and cerebral blood flow

3 day

  • electrophoresis with a complex of peptide bioregulators, restoring metabolic processes in the structures of the eyeball
  • transdermal electroporation with a complex of peptide bioregulators that improves retinal and cerebral blood flow

How to avoid vision problems?

The eye is a sensitive and very delicate organ. To maintain its operation and protection from harmful effects, you should follow a number of simple rules:

  • Eat a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids with food - for this purpose it is necessary to include vegetables and fruits in the diet (especially those that are red or orange), vegetable oils, beef liver, cereals
  • Take twice a year multivitamin preparations containing vitamins A, C, P and microelements zinc, selenium, magnesium
  • Perform simple eye exercises every half hour to an hour of computer work or reading. Rotation of the eyeballs for one minute allows the accommodation apparatus of vision to rest and recover
  • Protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation - in bright sunny weather, especially near water or snow, wear sunglasses with a UV filter
  • Change contact lenses in time, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling the eye
  • Treat inflammatory eye diseases in a timely manner - harmless conjunctivitis can be complicated by persistent loss of vision due to corneal damage and clouding
  • Take regular peptide preparations for the prevention and treatment of eye diseases, maintaining visual acuity.

We asked Svetlana Vladislavovna Trofimova, doctor of medical sciences, professor, director of the Tree of Life clinic, what kind of eye diseases Russians most often suffer from, how not to lose their eyesight, and what drugs can not only improve it, but also restore it.

The first age-related changes in the organs of vision are observed after 30 years, primarily refractive changes. What it is? This is the development of presbyopia. People call this disease senile vision or short hand disease. It is associated with a change in the physicochemical composition of the lens (dehydration, thickening, loss of tissue elasticity, etc.). At a young age, the lens is able to change its curvature and optical power. This process is called accommodation. In other words, this is the ability of the eye to change its focal length, thanks to which we can simultaneously see well both far and near. With age, accommodation is disturbed. This process is called presbyopia. Pay attention to the symptoms: when working with small objects, it is difficult to see them (for example, it is difficult to thread a needle); decrease in contrast when reading small text (letters acquire a gray tint); there is a need for brighter and more direct light for reading; to read the text, you need to take it a long distance; fatigue and eye strain when reading. In principle, this is not a disease, these are age-related features of refraction and this pathology is treated with the help of correction. If a person has not previously had vision problems, then reading glasses will be needed. If glasses or lenses were previously used, then they need to be changed.

Problems arise if dystrophic, that is, atrophic processes occur on the retina. The retina is the sensory organ of our vision, it is our computer, with its help we can see! Changes in retinal cells lead to serious diseases. One of these age-related diseases is macular degeneration (macula in Latin means “spot”, and dystrophy is translated from Greek as “malnutrition”).

The cause of macular degeneration is a malnutrition of nerve cells in the macula of the retina. This is primarily due to vascular sclerosis and arteriosclerotic changes, as well as impaired blood circulation in the retinal capillaries in the area of ​​the macula. That is why age-related macular degeneration is called sclerotic. This disease manifests itself in the elderly, and it is the most common cause of vision loss among people over 60 years of age. One of the main causes of the disease can be called genetically determined vascular sclerosis. If you have been diagnosed with macular degeneration, then take care to warn your children and grandchildren. After all, they could inherit the features of your body, the structural features of the macula, which increase the risk of the disease. I remind you that the eyes must be checked twice a year after fifty years. Unfortunately, this is already a serious disease that is treated quite difficult. To date, the international medical community considers an effective method of treatment that affects the cause of the disease, this peptide bioregulators. Today, our clinic is participating in a joint program with the OMMA Central Hospital, which is the leading ophthalmological medical institution in Greece, where severe retinal diseases are treated with the help of peptide bioregulators. Of course, it is impossible to influence these diseases with any one drug, and therefore we use in the treatment complex of peptide bioregulators. For the treatment of macular degeneration and other retinal diseases that are lesions of the retina, such as diabetic retinopathy (this is one of the most severe complications of diabetes, affecting the vessels of the retina of the eyeball, observed in 90% of diabetic patients), or another example: pigmentary retinitis is a rare hereditary disease in which the retina slowly but progressively degenerates, which gradually causes the development of blindness - all these and other severe diseases are treated at the OMMA Central Hospital peptide bioregulators. The leading drug in ophthalmology for the treatment of retinal diseases is retinal drug. Application complex of peptide bioregulators reduces the risk of progression of macular degeneration and gives the patient a chance to remain sighted for another 15-20 years! Peptide bioregulators belong to evidence-based medicine. Why is the impact of only one drug not enough? The causes of diseases are multifaceted. The retina lies on the choroid (choroid), the function of which is to supply it with nutrients. The retina is the inner shell of the eye, the peripheral part of the visual analyzer, contains photoreceptor cells that provide perception and conversion of light into nerve impulses. Therefore, we are talking about the complex use of peptide bioregulators: this is how the brain peptide affects the metabolic processes of the optic nerve, in the neuro-receptor apparatus of the eye, promotes the transmission of a nerve impulse from the cell to the nervous tissue; and the retinal peptide normalizes all metabolic processes in the retina; vascular peptide improves trophism, that is, nutrition of the retina, in any case, any cell can function normally if it has a functioning transport system, which is the vascular system. All nutrients must come to the retina, in which certain metabolic processes will take place, and substances already unnecessary for the body must leave this cell. Even if the retinal cell works perfectly, and the problems are precisely in the vascular pathology, which, in turn, will affect the health of the eyes. For example, hypertension, in other words, an increase in pressure, can provoke and lead to the fact that hemorrhages occur on the retina, and if it occurs in the central part of the retina, then the person can go blind, but if it touches the peripheral part, then there will be loss of visual fields , that is, a violation of horizons. All peptide bioregulators were created by Professor V.Kh. Khavinson at the Kirov Military Medical Academy, having 30 years of experience in the use of these drugs, we declare that they do not have adverse reactions, complications, and most importantly, that they inhibit the development of the disease. After a course of application, visual acuity improves, the picture of the fundus improves, hemorrhages resolve faster. Application peptide bioregulators is a pathogenic treatment that is aimed at the cause of these diseases.


The St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology, together with the NPTsRIZ, created a natural peptide bioregulator Visoluten(contains peptides of eye tissues), which has an effect on various cells of eye tissues, normalizes metabolism in them. Clinically proven effectiveness Visolutena for a comprehensive restoration of vision in various diseases, including degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the retina (angiopathy, detachment and degeneration), post-traumatic corneal dystrophy, glaucoma and cataracts. Besides, Visoluten will help to cope with increased eye fatigue during prolonged work on the computer, when reading and the action of adverse environmental factors, including industrial ones. In combination with Visoluten to effectively support eye health, it is recommended to take natural peptide bioregulators Ventfort(contains vascular peptides), restoring the functions of the vascular system, and Cerluten(contains brain peptides), restoring the functions of the central nervous system after a stroke, surgical interventions on the brain, in pathological conditions leading to impaired brain function. A multicomponent drug has also been developed for the prevention of eye diseases. Retisil, which helps to maintain the functioning of the organs of vision at an optimal physiological level, improves blood circulation in the retina and prevents the development of diseases in it, improves twilight vision, prevents atrophy of the optic nerve, and helps to cope with tired eye syndrome.