Evil spirits wake up on April 16th. Evil spirits that come to people at night, which cats feel and are very afraid of. What is unclean power


Unclean power is a collective image of all spirits - forest, water, underground, which can manifest themselves both in evil and in good aspect. There are a great many of them. These include the brownie, goblin, bannik, kikimora, ovinnik, water, mermaid, all kinds of snakes, devil, demon, etc. They began to be called unclean mainly after the spread of Christianity in Russia. Previously, these spirits were treated as mysterious, supernatural beings guarding a certain place. They could always be propitiated, cajoled, or negotiated with them. At their core, they were the embodiment of the natural forces of the surrounding world: earth, water, air, forest.

The peasants liked to place the unclean in potentially dangerous places: deep ravines and whirlpools, in dense forests and swamps, they also "settled" them in desolated buildings and houses where tragic events took place. Diseases were also associated with evil spirits. "The popular names of diseases testify that some of them were directly identified with unclean spirits before."

According to popular beliefs, the activity of unclean spirits is associated with a certain time of the year. There was even a special calendar, which described what unclean people could manifest themselves on a particular day (month) of the year.

For example, goblin, mermen hide for the winter, and you should not be afraid of them at this time. Devils and demons, on the contrary, show irrepressible energy, and cold strong winds blow on the earth, blizzards and hurricanes rise. With the onset of bitter frosts, it was necessary to beware of fevers and make an offering to Frost so that the earth would not freeze out and the future harvest would be saved.

In February, they were protected from the Cow Death - an ugly old woman with a rake in her hands. Bast shoes smeared with tar were hung against her in the barn. At the end of the same month, they also drove out kumoha fever, which, along with its twelve sisters, came out of the dense forests. Kasyanov's Day, which falls on February 29, was considered especially dangerous. This day could bring plagues with it. Throughout Great Lent, the evil spirits did not disturb people much, since strict abstinence in food and behavior is considered the surest remedy for it.

On the eve of Easter, it was worth being especially careful, because the evil spirits were angry and tried to arrange exceptional tricks. After sunset, no one dared to go out into the street, everyone waited for Easter matins. Put on Gerasim the rooker (March 4) expelled and planted kikimors were expelled from the houses, which at that time became quiet and helpless.

On March 30, it was the turn of the brownie to rage, even if he was quiet and meek on the rest of the days. It was believed that either his old skin was falling off, or he had a desire to marry a witch. On this day, they tried to piss him off and not pay attention to his antics.

By April 1, the merman woke up. Angry and hungry, he broke the ice, scared the fish away. Until March 3, he definitely had to make an offering, feed him. For this, according to custom, peasants and fishermen drowned a horse, smearing its head with honey. After the gift, the merman calmed down.

On the day of St. Egor (April 23), who had special power over any beast, they sacrificed one or two cattle to the goblin so that he would not take her away in the future. The dew of this day was considered especially harmful to animals. She was collected by sorceresses, then to spoil the cattle.

In May, they stopped paying attention to spirits, strong in winter. Here they paid respect to the south winds, bringing with them warm rains for the future harvest. In June, on Ivan Kupala, it was believed that water had special power, so it was customary to bathe in baths, swim in rivers, collect dew, which was then treated for skin diseases. But swimming in the river was dangerous, because just at that time the waterman celebrated his name day, and he drowned the people who disturbed him. Ivanov's day was also considered the day of treasure hunters, to whom evil spirits, if they get a fern flower or plakun-grass, can open treasures themselves.

The seventh week after Easter was called Rus Week. It was the parting of the mermaids and with them - the spring. In the hot season on the eve of Peter's Lent (June 29), they were wary of swimming because the water one at this time requires sacrifice. In general, summer was considered a time when the presence of evil spirits could be felt everywhere. In the forest, in the fields, goblin and field workers reign, knocking a person out of the way and leading him into dense forests, swamps. In rivers, lakes, the water with his retinue dominates. A terrible day for any evil spirits, and people too, was the day of Elijah the Prophet (July 20). According to beliefs, unclean spirits, trying to hide, turned into various animals, bugs, midges and tried to run in, fly into housing, hide in clothes. Ilya did not spare anyone, striking with lightning both unclean and living creatures, setting fire to houses and trees. In order to somehow protect themselves, before a thunderstorm, people drove dogs and cats out into the street, cattle, on the contrary, were not taken out into the field, so that the evil spirits that had settled in wild animals would not tear it apart.

In August, it was customary to water the horses through silver, so that the brownie would love, ask the wind what the coming winter would be like, also at that time they conjured, spoke the stubble from evil spirits. At the end of the month, sheaves were guarded from the goblin, who, joking with people, untied and scattered them. They usually went on guard in a sheepskin coat turned inside out, with a towel on their heads and a poker in their hands - not a single leshak would approach.

By September, by the day of the Seeds of the Pilot, as a rule, timed to move to a new place, to a new home. Special honor and respect was given to the brownie, who was invited to a housewarming party with a special ritual. On the Exaltation (September 14), when, according to popular belief, the goblin drive all the forest animals and especially play pranks and play pranks, it was not supposed to go to the forests. On the fifteenth of the same day - "goose flight" - they cajoled the grandfather of the waterman, sacrificing a goose to him. For this, he will guard the geese and will not let anyone offend them.

On Pokrov it was the turn to cajole the barn - the unkind spirit of the outbuildings where the bread was dried. On this day, he celebrated his name day, and it was impossible to work in the barn, otherwise the barn could be offended and burn the threshing floor along with grain supplies. Pies were brought to him and the corners of the barn were sprinkled with the blood of a rooster.

From October, goblin stops wandering through the forest, but in the end, before falling underground, they run amok: they break down trees by the roots, turn whole layers of earth upside down, and disperse animals through their holes. A person is not allowed to appear in the forest at this time. But this is a favorable period for getting rid of any delusion and the influence of evil spirits.

On November 1, chickens' name days were celebrated in the villages, giving chickens as gifts to their relatives and friends. This day was associated with the economic life of the house, in which they sought to enlist the support of the brownie for the difficult winter period. It was also customary to exorcise someone else's dashing brownie and other alien spirits. In mid-November, winter sets in. She came on a piebald mare and drove out all the evil spirits from the earth. On the way back, evil spirits returned to Christmas time, and the winter demonic fun began, and with them - fortune-telling, dressing up.

In addition to the calendar, the Slavic peoples had many universal methods of protection from evil spirits, "from all evil." It was believed that the evil spirit does not tolerate the smell of garlic, onions, does not tolerate such herbs as thistle, peter's cross, plakun-grass. But still, the main defense was the vigilance of the person himself and his harmonious existence with the world around him.

The period from April 16 to May 5, people called it the revival of spring, the snow has already melted everywhere, even in the lowlands, and the last ice floes are rushing along the river, jumping on each other. Spring floods bring a lot of troubles to people. The river will overflow its banks - and then beware: fast water will sweep away everything that gets in its way. Therefore, it was especially important to know in advance what awaits the fisherman in the spring. In the old days, any fisherman could determine the height of the flood by a variety of signs - for example, by the height of a sandpiper's nest or by mole "moves". The mole will never dig the ground below the border of a future flood. Mice run away from the lowlands before the flood.
According to a fishing belief, Nikita Vodopol wakes up from hibernation Water - especially revered by fishermen. Watermen, according to Russian peasants, lived everywhere, but more in deep places and whirlpools. It was believed that in winter the mermen sleep, but in the spring, just on Nikita's day, they wake up hungry and angry. Here the king of the waters must certainly be appeased with a specially fattened horse, which was sacrificed. But that's how it was in the old days. In the 19th century, the horse was replaced with bread crumbs.
What kind of water have - is unknown. Water - the same devil that has flown from the sky, can take on various forms that he wants, and most often is shown in the form of a fish of extraordinary size. However, in 1874, a single description of such a “water man” was published, and if not the water man himself, then certainly his relative: “Once, they say, they caught such a man, but he cannot be caught, because he will cut his tail at least some net , he had him like a saw. So, they tell how they caught him, so he lived in a tub for three days. He sits, bent over, his eyes goggled and looks attentively like that, the same person, only in scales and with a tail, and fins on his chest, like those of a fish. As they released him into the sea, he either dives or emerges, and beats in his palms, and cackles, but does not speak.
The water one drowns those people who have forgotten God, while bathing or when crossing the river. In Russia, they were afraid to swim in the river without a neck cross and in the evening after sunset.
Many superstitious fishermen came at midnight to treat the water grandfather to treats. This treat of the merman happened to them like this. They buy the most worthless horse from gypsies, without bargaining, exactly three days in advance. During these three days they try to fatten her up with bread and hemp cake. On the last evening, the head of the horse is smeared with honey and salt, a lot of red ribbons are woven into the mane, the legs are tangled with ropes, two old millstones are tied around the neck. Exactly at midnight they go to the river. If the ice has not yet passed, then the tied horse is lowered into the hole; if the river is cleared of ice, then they themselves, sitting on boats, try to drown the horse in the middle of the river. At that time, the oldest of the fishermen is on the river bank, listens to the water and gives a sign to others when it is possible to drown the horse. It is a great misfortune for fishermen if the merman does not want treats or he goes to another river. According to them, the merman lies in the water all winter and sleeps soundly. On April 16 (3 old style) he wakes up hungry and angry. Out of frustration and hunger, he breaks the ice, tortures small fish to death, and the big ones themselves run away to other rivers. When the fishermen appease him with a good gift, a horse, he humbles himself, guards the fish, lures large fish from other rivers to him, saves the fishermen from storms and drowning, does not tear the nets and nonsense. During his anger and hunger, the merman waits for a gift for three days, and if the fishermen do not keep up with the offering, then, after the extermination of the fish, he retires to a nearby reservoir. The desire of the merman to receive a gift is recognized by the strong swaying of the water and the deaf underground groan. When they give the water gift, the senior fisherman, pouring oil into the river, said: “Here you are, grandfather, a housewarming gift. Love and favor our family." Those fishermen who could not drown the horse brought the water spirit - some of the bread, some of the millet porridge, some of the offal from the chicken. All the same - the fish also need help, which in the depths of the river growth in the spring is taken. It was considered a bad omen if the sacrifice did not follow or was delayed, or if the victim did not drown for a long time; they said that the merman does not favor a gift, so they expected trouble - the whole season he would tear gear, release fish and sink fishing boats, or, having exterminated all the fish in the river, the merman would go somewhere himself. If the Vodyanoy accepted a gift, this meant that he would be favorable to the fisherman all year round, protect his gear and lure the largest fish to his chosen one, protect him from storms and bad weather, as well as other troubles that happen on the water. If everything went well, the fishermen sat on the shore - and happily spent the whole night drinking, celebrating the start of the open water fishing season. Everywhere before the start of fishing on this day, the fishermen who did not participate in the night treat once again "fed", treated the merman. They threw him two or three fish from the first caught, crumbs of bread, the remains of wine in a bottle left after the celebration, a pinch of tobacco. In the latter case, they would say: “You have tobacco on you, and give us fish.” So that the whole year there was a good catch of fish, throwing tackle for the first time, they threw bread and salt into the water. For the same purpose, they threw an old bast shoe or a boot with a footcloth with the words: “On you, water, bast shoes, drive the fish!”. Anglers also remarked: "If the ice doesn't clear that day, then the fishing this year will be the worst."

If you don’t have your own horse or feel sorry for it, you can take away and drown the neighbor’s, and then (if you don’t get caught, stealing) - fishing will be successful all year.


Vodyanoy, vodyanik, vodovik, in Slavic mythology, an evil spirit, the embodiment of a dangerous and formidable water element. Most often, he acted in the guise of a man with animal features - paws instead of hands, horns on his head, or an ugly old man entangled in mud with a long beard. The Slavs believed that the water ones were the descendants of those representatives of evil spirits whom God cast down from heaven into rivers, lakes and ponds.
Especially likes the water one to climb for the night under the water mill, near the wheel itself, which is why in the old days all millers were certainly considered sorcerers. However, the mermen also have their own houses: in the thickets of reeds and sedges, they have built rich chambers of shells and semi-precious river pebbles. The mermen have their own herds of cows, horses, pigs and sheep, which are driven out of the waters at night and graze in the nearby meadows. Mermen marry mermaids and beautiful drowned women.
When in the high water from the spring melting of snows or from long torrential rains the river comes out of its banks and breaks bridges, dams and mills with the swift pressure of the waves, the peasants think that these are water drinks at the wedding, indulged in violent fun and dancing and in their revelry destroyed all the people they met. barriers. Well, when the merman's wife is about to give birth, he takes on the appearance of an ordinary person, appears in a city or village, invites a midwife to him, leads him to his underwater possessions, and then generously rewards for his work with silver and gold. They say that once the fishermen pulled out a child in the nets, who frolicked and played when he was lowered into the water in the nets, but languished, sad and cried when they brought him to the hut. The child turned out to be the brainchild of a merman; the fishermen let him go to his father on the condition that he catch up with them in the net as many fish as possible, and this condition was met. However, if a merman goes among people, even if he takes on a human form, it is easy to recognize him, because water constantly drips from his left floor: wherever he sits, the place is constantly wet, and when he starts combing his hair, water flows from his hair.

In his native element, the water is irresistible, but on earth his strength is weakening. But already on the rivers all the fish are subject to him, all the storms, storms and hurricanes: he protects the swimmer - or drowns him; gives the fisherman a happy catch - or breaks his net. It happens that fishermen, raising the net, pull out along with the fish the “water miracle”, which immediately breaks the net, dives - and takes all the prey with it. One fisherman, seeing that the river was carrying a dead body, took the drowned man into the boat, but, to his horror, the dead man suddenly came to life: he jumped up, laughed and threw himself into the abyss. So the merman played a joke on him.

He usually rides on a catfish, and therefore in some areas this fish, the "damn horse", is not advised to be eaten. However, the caught catfish should not be scolded, so that the water one does not hear and does not take it into his head to avenge him. : In daylight, the water mostly hides in the depths, and in the dusk of the night it emerges: either in the form of a huge mossy pike, or in its true form. Then you can see that when the moon is young, his hair is fresh and green, like algae, and at the end of the month - gray hair. The age of the merman also changes: at the birth of the month he is young, at the loss he is old.

It will emerge from the waves on a watery moonlit night, wrap itself in mud, put a hat of kuga (there is such a leafless water plant) on its sharp head, saddle a snag and swim to mischief. It slaps the water with its palm - and its sonorous blows are heard far along the reach. Then, in the midst of perfect silence, water suddenly swirls somewhere, foams, a water miracle jumps out of it and disappears, and at the same moment, half a verst from this place, water swirls again, the head of the water one again exposes ... , which is why the roar and crackle of falling trees goes through the forest, the splash of waves is loudly heard in all directions.

Over those people whom fate has determined to drown, the merman receives a mysterious power that cannot be avoided by anything, therefore other superstitions do not decide to help the drowning man: anyway, they say, you can’t get away from fate!

Like a brownie who drags everything from neighboring pantries and barns to his own house, the merman manages to lure fish from other people's rivers and lakes.

In the summer he is awake, and in the winter he sleeps, because the winter cold locks up the rains and covers the waters with ice.

Among the Western Slavs, the water one was called Ezernim - the lake spirit. He also had many subjects: Svitezhanka, Goplyans and Westerners. Like vodnitsy, they seduced careless fellows with their beauty and carried them to the bottom in order to increase the number of Ezernim's subjects. His beloved was the patroness of mountain streams that run from the peaks to the lakes, feeding them.

If people managed to anger Ezernim with something, he sent on them the malicious scarecrows of the Eccentric and Topelets, as well as the ugly water maidens of the pluscon, who frightened careless fishermen to death at night. Sinister lured them into the swamp.

Evil spirits scare many. Her presence is inexplicable. Many people experience panic horror when faced with the pranks of otherworldly forces. But some are attracted by such "games" with evil spirits. Thanks to such enthusiasts, we have gained some knowledge about this phenomenon.

How did the evil spirit appear?

There are many versions. Religion connects otherworldly phenomena with fallen angels who joined the Devil (Dennitsa). Many legends say that living people are frightened by restless souls. In the mythology of different peoples, one can find references to the fact that there is a "correct" death, and there is an "unclean" one. If a person has lived the time allotted to him from above, he can rest in peace. If the baby died before baptism, an adult committed suicide or was forcibly deprived of his life, his soul cannot rest.

Modern esotericists believe that in addition to our world, there are parallel and astral worlds in which various entities live.

What do scientists think?

Recently, various studies have been carried out to study the phenomenon. Scientists have noticed that in many cases, evil spirits manifest themselves in the same way. According to one version, hallucinations are caused by the work of the right hemisphere of the brain. Due to fear occurs nourishing the cerebral cortex. Due to the lack of oxygen, a person begins to see the so-called. ghosts.

Another version is psycho-projection. He sees the embodiment of fears that torment him on a conscious and subconscious level.

However, these theories explain only 90% of cases. Perhaps the reason for the remaining 10% will soon be found, but so far there is reason to believe that otherworldly forces still exist.

What is dangerous evil?

Usually impure forces frighten people. Some walk around the house, rustling, stomping. Some deliberately beat the dishes, slam the door, move objects. Particularly aggressive entities can even be felt. Some may touch people, pull hair, and even choke.

Independent contacts with evil spirits are also dangerous. Without knowing the rules of communication with the other world, you should not conduct rituals.

How to protect yourself?

Many people know the phrase "perish, evil spirit." But often this is not enough to get rid of the problem. If you are sure that what you see is not at all a figment of the imagination, follow the tips from this article.

  • Read the prayer aloud.
  • Go to church for confession, pray, take communion.
  • Try to lead a more correct (from a spiritual point of view) life.
  • Ask the priest to bless your apartment.
  • Clean your home yourself.
  • Hang in front of your front door. Opposite it, above the door, place the icon. It is believed that after that neither bad people nor evil spirits will be able to enter your house.

Of course, there are other ways to deal with otherworldly forces. But they are not suitable for believers. You can use amulets, turn to psychics and magicians, and conduct special rituals. But it is worth remembering that religion does not approve of such actions. In addition, there is a possibility that you will turn to a charlatan who will take a lot of money, but will not be able to help you in any way.

Several stories about visits at night by creatures from the Other World, which are united by the presence of cats in the apartment at that time, which reacted very actively to the appearance of this evil spirits.

Reports Natalia Kalinina from Ashgabat:

- In the summer of 1989, strange phenomena occurred in our apartment on the first floor of an old frame-panel house. Around midnight, there were sounds in the kitchen, as if the lids of pots were falling to the floor one after another. When I went to the kitchen, I did not find any disorder there.

Then - also at night and again in the kitchen - a large matchbox exploded by itself. It was only by a miracle that my mother and I managed to avoid the fire. Our cat - again, only at night! - went out of herself in those days. She mewed frightened, climbed under the closet or under the bed and did not want to get out until morning.

Story Anna Gudzenko from the city of Sochi:

- When I was eight years old, a guy came to me at night, similar, as in a fairy tale, to the “Arapa”. . Completely bald head. Huge eyeballs. Thick lips. Appears to be about twenty years old. He stood silently and looked at me...

And I woke up every time because the cat, sleeping on the rug next to my bed, began to meow in fright. "Arap" stood motionless for two or three minutes, then dissolved in the air.

It's been a long time. I graduated from high school, got married, moved to another city. In 1989, she was forced to return to her parents again for a while - to the house in which she grew up. And literally a week later, at about midnight, the “Arap” appeared in front of me again. I recognized him instantly. I don't think he's matured at all in the years since we last met. I see - standing, looking at me intently ...

One more piece of information from the city of Mary, Turkmenistan:

“For the past year now, a feeling of animal fear has been waking me up at night,” says Tatyana Filippova. - I wake up and ... I’m completely numb with horror! Near me is a big black . I hear a loud whisper: "I want to take your life!".

Then the silhouette begins to move away from me, as if with its back forward, and dissolves into the wall, is absorbed into it. On the other side of the wall is my daughter's bedroom, and there is a chair, and the cat always sleeps on the chair.

So, every time this creepy silhouette goes right in front of my eyes into the wall, the cat in the next room wakes up, emits a heart-rending squeal. Awakened by her screeching, my daughter wakes up too. She sees the cat shoot off the chair like an arrow and start meowing and running around the room back and forth.

Elena Pavlova from Yekaterinburg said that her personal life was invaded once . It was after this event that she developed a steady interest in anomalous phenomena. And the event happened in December 1993. The woman woke up with the feeling that the blanket was being pulled off her.

“While still half asleep,” she says, “I kicked back, angrily pulling the blanket back on me. Finally finally woke up. I open my eyes and I can't believe my own eyes. A hefty kingpin with a face of some earthy color rises near the bed. He either pulls the blanket towards him, or grabs my left hand for a moment. It pulls, it grabs ... By the way, the bruises from his grip kept on the wrist for about two weeks.

Elena, horrified, half-rose on the bed and, acting purely reflexively, pushed the “ambala” away with both hands. According to her tactile sensations, the alien's chest was surprisingly soft, as if it consisted of springy foam rubber. The Kingpin flew off to the side with unexpected ease and crashed into the table in the center of the room with its buttocks.

“And my cat, named Dasha,” recalls Elena Pavlova, “was hissing at the “ambala” in the meantime, like a steam locomotive, hiding under a chair. My head was jumbled with fear, nausea rose in my throat, and I lost consciousness. In the morning I got out of bed completely broken and with a severe headache. Where the "ambal" went, I don't know. In the morning I did not find him in the house.

Ludmila Shpineva from the city of Zeya, Amur Region, shared the following story:

At night, I often hear slow, shuffling footsteps in the apartment. I turn on the light, look around - there is no one in the house. Silence... I turn off the light. And "he" begins to shuffle again.

My beloved cat always sleeps with me, at the foot of the bed. When the invisible man begins to wander around the room, the cat lets out a loud hiss, jumps from the bed to the floor, then flies like an acrobat up the curtain that covers the window, and hangs from the ceiling on the curtain, continuing to hiss.

From the book "XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Phenomenon after phenomenon"

When a person pronounces the word "unclean", he involuntarily compares it with something dirty and unaesthetic. And the word "power" makes you think that this something has a certain power. Only it goes against the sacred and divine world. In fact, evil spirits are chaos dictated by dark forces.

The category of various evil spirits includes not only ghouls, demons and demons that are evil for a person. These include the spirits of the water element, forest land and the guard of the dwelling - the brownie. The clergy also believe that all rituals that are contrary to church activities are associated with the mob.

With the advent of Christianity, people began to separate the spirits. Based on the church worldview, they attributed some spirits (angels and souls of the righteous) to the divine world. They began to call others "unclean" and tried to classify pagan gods as Svarog, Veles, Khors, Yarilo, Makosh.

What is unclean power

In our time, demons, spirits and demons have acquired one capacious name - essences. According to psychics, this is a special energy system that is hostile to humans. Its goal is to harm the individual, deprive her of strength, money, and sometimes life itself.

According to experts, it should be understood that astral entities - succubi, subpersonalities, larvae - belong to the evil spirit. Very often they sit down on the energy field of a sleeping person in order to stock up on the necessary amount of energy. For an ordinary person, such entities are invisible.

However, in the morning, the victim may feel tired and unwell. Quite rightly, the question arises: "Why are some people attacked by evil spirits, while others are not?"

Where do dark forces come from?

Of great importance is the dwelling in which a person lives. It has been noticed that the places where the murders were committed are often inhabited by ghosts, which in the world of magic are commonly called restless souls. Of course, they can also be classified as evil spirits.

Indeed, in their desire to take revenge, they poison the life of the household in many ways. Also, some people, being carried away by magic, are careless in their actions. For example, there are many cases when, after a session of spiritualism, the called spirits of dead people do not go to their world, but remain with the living. This is how evil spirits appear in the house.

Naturally, in such a dwelling someone's presence will be periodically felt, accompanied by rustles, rattles or knocks. In addition, power outages are periodically recorded in the walls of such a dwelling, an unpleasant smell is felt, quarrels arise between loved ones, or they develop an illness.

Specialists in the field of magic emphasize that in such cases a person himself opens a certain portal, providing an entrance to his house for evil spirits. After all, magic is a combination of knowledge, certain actions and the presence of the necessary energy.

If you do not have these resources and ignore the laws of the universe, then there is a big risk of not coping with the essence. Only an experienced magician will be able to conduct an unexpected guest with the help of special rituals and close the door to the other world behind him.

The image of evil spirits

Cinematography colorfully demonstrates to the viewer various images of evil spirits: devils, ghosts with empty eyes, insidious demons that have settled in the human body and roar in a uterine voice.

Of course, much can be attributed to the indefatigable imagination of the directors, but in fact the most sensitive people themselves become witnesses of such spectacles. There are cases when individuals with certain vices attract certain entities.

Who do larvae love?

Drug addicts and alcoholics often attract larvae that feed on the same dope. They settle in an invisible cloud over the personality and begin to manipulate the human mind. The weaker the will of the individual, the more chances the entity has to take possession of his desires and direct actions.

Gradually, a person degrades: his relationships with loved ones deteriorate, up to a break. Moreover, others find his behavior extremely aggressive and inadequate. At such moments, evil spirits only root their positions.

After all, consuming a strong energy surge of her victim, she becomes stronger and subjugates the unfortunate person to the point of obsession. Surrounding people seek to help a loved one - they lead to a narcologist and a psychologist. But professional magicians believe that the first thing to do is to expel evil spirits from a person.

To do this, you should contact a shaman or a church. A special strong place and certain rituals will help destroy the evil energy system that has formed. This will give the dependent person a chance to gather their courage and embark on the path of correction.

Uncleanness in the house

Many people mistakenly think that otherworldly powers are a legend. In fact, it does not matter at all whether a person believes in evil spirits or not. Of course, if some thing is lost in the house, or a loving couple quarreled, it is not necessary to immediately blame otherworldly forces for this.

But if such cases have become more frequent, and the situation has become natural, then it is worth thinking about it. Firstly, it becomes uncomfortable for all households in the home, quarrels break out from scratch, problems with plumbing often occur, electronic appliances and furniture break down.

Secondly, green spaces die in such a place, animals do not take root. Cats are especially sensitive to negativity. They are changing their behavior right before our eyes.

Their fur often stands on end, they hiss and seem to be defending themselves from someone invisible. As a result, the animal may get sick or even leave such a dwelling. People may experience severe depression, nervous breakdowns, and suicidal thoughts. It's time to think about how to deal with evil spirits.

How to deal with otherworldly power?

Evil spirits can be caused by ill-wishers by installing a negative program (damage) on one or all family members. Moreover, the most receptive people can notice in the house as if dispersing images - animals or inexplicable figures.

It may also seem to household members that someone inspires and imposes thoughts on them. Practice shows that it is necessary to inspect the dwelling and the territory attached to it for foreign objects. This method is especially common in rural areas.

If strange things are found - skeins of thread, needles, eggs, various rags or other people's objects, it is recommended to take them out of the territory of your home, burn them or bury them deep into the ground.

In this case, you should use gloves, a broom and a scoop. This method of inducing damage is not the only one. A professional is able to catch up with evil spirits in one photo of a person, knowing his name and birthday. Therefore, it is not recommended to give your pictures to unfamiliar people or get involved in uploading personal photos to Internet resources. After all, vigilance is the best defense against evil spirits.

The next steps to get rid of

If the fears were confirmed, and the individual became a victim of a competitor who ordered damage from the magician, then the negative should be removed and the home should be cleansed of dark forces. A person who has secret knowledge of the supernatural can help with this.

Each locality has its own healers, fortune tellers, "seeers", shamans. Of course, the clergyman will be able to help in such a situation in the first place. There is a prayer from evil spirits and certain actions associated with sprinkling the house with holy water.

What to defend?

Experts are still debating whether there should be faith in the Divine Powers when you turn your gaze to them. Scientists have found that the Biblical scriptures contain high vibrations that can neutralize dark forces. And the point is not only in faith, but also in how strong a person is physically and mentally.

If the prayer is endowed with high energy and has willpower, then he will achieve a positive result. After all, prayer from evil spirits serves as the main protection.

Also, many stock up on protective amulets, keep a variety of dry herbs like wormwood in the house, light strong incense to prevent evil spirits from entering their homes. It is equally important to control your emotions. After all, a negative surge deforms a person's aura, opening the way for dark forces. It is important to understand that spiritual practices and love for people are the most reliable defenders against all negative energies.